What Are the Smallest Countries in the World?

By Master Lal

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What Are the Smallest Countries in the World?

When we think of countries, we often imagine huge lands with tall buildings, busy cities, and lots of people. But did you know that some countries are so small that you can almost walk across them in a day? These tiny nations, called microstates, are among the smallest countries in the world, and they each have their own special charm. Let’s take a look at the smallest countries in the world and learn some fun facts about them!

1. Vatican City

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It is located right in the middle of Rome, Italy. In fact, it’s so small that you can walk around it in just about an hour! Vatican City is only 44 hectares (about 110 acres) in size, which is less than half the size of New York’s Central Park.

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Vatican City is famous because it is the home of the Pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. The country is known for its beautiful churches, especially St. Peter’s Basilica. The Sistine Chapel, with its amazing paintings by Michelangelo, is also found here. Even though it’s tiny, the Vatican is very important to many people around the world because of its religious significance.

The country is completely surrounded by high walls, which protect its religious and historical treasures. Even though it’s small, it has its own government, police, and even its own postal service. People who live here are citizens of the Vatican, and they often have jobs related to the Catholic Church.

2. Monaco

Next up is Monaco, a tiny country on the French Riviera along the Mediterranean Sea. Monaco is only 2.02 square kilometers (about 0.78 square miles) in size, making it the second smallest country in the world. But don’t let its size fool you—it’s famous for being one of the richest and most glamorous places on Earth!

Monaco is known for its luxury and beautiful surroundings. It’s home to fancy casinos, expensive hotels, and huge yachts that are parked along its coast. The Monaco Grand Prix, one of the most famous car races in the world, takes place here every year, attracting visitors from all over.

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Even though Monaco is very small, it’s famous for being a tax haven, which means that people who live there don’t have to pay many taxes. Because of this, many wealthy people from around the world choose to live in Monaco. The country is also a constitutional monarchy, meaning it has a royal family, and the ruler is the Prince of Monaco.

3. Nauru

The tiny island country of Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. It’s the third smallest country in the world and is just 21 square kilometers (about 8.1 square miles) in size. Nauru is so small that it only has one main road that circles the entire island!

Nauru used to be famous for its phosphate mining, a mineral that is used in fertilizers. However, the phosphate resources on the island have mostly run out, and now the country faces challenges in finding new sources of income. Despite its small size, Nauru has its own government and is a republic, meaning it doesn’t have a king or queen, but a president who is elected by the people.

One of the most interesting things about Nauru is that it has no armed forces, which means it doesn’t have an army or military. Instead, it relies on other countries, like Australia, to help with defense. Nauru is also known for having one of the highest obesity rates in the world due to a diet that’s often heavy on processed foods.

4. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is another very small island country located in the Pacific Ocean. With a total area of only 26 square kilometers (about 10 square miles), it is the fourth smallest country in the world. Tuvalu is made up of nine small islands that are spread out over a large area of ocean.

Tuvalu is unique because it is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Rising sea levels threaten to submerge Tuvalu’s islands completely, which is a big problem for the people who live there. Despite these challenges, the people of Tuvalu are known for being friendly and having a close-knit community.

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The country’s economy is based on fishing and a bit of tourism, but it is also known for selling its internet domain name “.tv”, which is a big source of income. The country has a very small population, with only around 11,000 people living there.

5. San Marino

San Marino is a landlocked country, meaning it is completely surrounded by another country—in this case, Italy. It’s one of the oldest countries in the world, with a history that goes back over 1,700 years. San Marino is only 61 square kilometers (about 24 square miles) in size, making it the fifth smallest country in the world.

San Marino is unique because it has been able to remain independent for centuries, even though it’s surrounded by Italy. It has its own government, and the country is known for its ancient castles and beautiful mountain views. San Marino also has a very small population, with fewer than 35,000 people living there.

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One interesting fact about San Marino is that it is one of the oldest republics in the world, and its government is based on a system of elected leaders called Captains Regent. These leaders serve for six months at a time, and they are chosen by the people to make decisions for the country.

6. Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a small country located in Europe, nestled between Switzerland and Austria. It is only 160 square kilometers (about 62 square miles) in size, making it one of the smallest countries in Europe and the world.

Liechtenstein is a principality, which means it is ruled by a prince. The country is famous for its beautiful mountains and ski resorts. It is also one of the richest countries in the world, with a high standard of living and a strong economy based on banking, finance, and industry.

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Despite its small size, Liechtenstein is very independent and doesn’t belong to the European Union, although it is closely linked to Switzerland. The country has a very small population, with around 39,000 people living there. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz, which is home to the country’s royal family.


These tiny countries may be small in size, but they are big in personality! From the world’s smallest country, Vatican City, to the Pacific islands of Nauru and Tuvalu, each of these nations has a unique history and culture that make them special. Even though they may not be the biggest countries on the map, their stories and contributions to the world are definitely worth learning about.

Whether it’s the rich history of San Marino, the luxurious lifestyle in Monaco, or the challenges faced by Tuvalu due to climate change, these small countries remind us that even the tiniest places can have a big impact. So, next time you look at a map, don’t forget to check out the tiny countries—they might surprise you with their beauty, charm, and fascinating facts!

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Master Lal

I'm an experienced educator with 12 years of teaching and 5 years of app and web development expertise. With a Bachelor of Education degree, I specialize in creating innovative solutions that bridge education and technology. My mission is to empower students and educators by fostering learning and growth through knowledge and innovation. Let's connect and shape the future of learning together!

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